AB 32 – Another letter rejected by CC Times

It is no fun writing letters and always being rejected.  At least here I can see them in print.  As time permits I’ll add more of my rejects.  “The best of…”

To: Contra Costa Times


In response to David-Roland-Holst’s article “Climate Bill could ignite state’s economy (CCTimes  5/8/20), and  Catherine Kunkel’s letter headed “Defend AB 32, (CC Times 5/12/10); their support of  the anti-CO2 pie-in-the-sky AB 32, “The Global Warming Solutions Act” lacks founding in reality. What are these folks smoking?   Have they not read the details of  Climategate?  Apparently not.   I note they both live in Berkeley, which often accounts for a utopian disdain for the facts of life.

CO2 is definitely not causing global warming, which can be verified by review of the many climategate sources of truth on the internet.  It was all a hoax put together by the melding of the interests of a few scoundrel scientists, Enviro-Marxist control freaks,  ignorant politicians,  big banks and big corporations (e.g., Goldman-Sachs, .British Petroleum,  Chevron, PG&E,  General Electric and the failed Enron), ethically-challenged federal agencies (NASA/GISS, NOAA/NCDC and the British CRU) which all covertly smudged the data to match their bias and suppressed dissent, green-job hucksters, and snake oil salesmen like Al Gore. Also, a host of university climate centers, including Berkeley, Stanford, Virginia, etc, ad nauseam.

Californians should suspend AB 32 in November.  AB32 will otherwise drive out businesses and greatly increase unemployment.

Ron Kilmartin
Pleasant Hill, CA

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